Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog Questions/ Answers

Blog Answers:

1. Q: What is your computer experience?
    A: 3 years of high school photoshop classes, 1 year of CAD, and I've worked with photoshop for 4 years

2. Q: What is your experience with Photoshop/ Illustrator, if any?
    A: 4 years of photoshop experience, mainly working on editing pictures of cars.

3. Q: Why did you take this class?
    A: My major is in Computer Graphics, it's a requirement for me to graduate and I enjoy using   photoshop

4. Q: Who is your favorite artist?
    A: n/a

5. Q: Who is your favorite designer?
    A: n/a

6. Q: Tell me something interesting about yourself?
    A: When I was 5, I was diagnosed with a bone disease, which caused me to be partially parralized in my left leg for 2 months.

7. Q: What kind of computer access do you have outside of class?
    A: I have an iMac at home with Photoshop Elements

8. Q: Write a 5 line story.
    A: Growing up I was an only child, who often took many vacations with my parents. At the age of 5, i was diagnosed with a bone disease, which left me immobile for 2 months. Then when I turned 6 years old, I took up motocross racing and raced until I was 16 years old. I broke many bones, and was left with many concussions. When I turned 14 I took an interest in photography and photoshop. When I turned 17 I took an interest in cars, and I have my car photographed for many online car websites/blogs.


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