Thursday, September 27, 2012

High Function/ Low Function

High Function

                                                                      Low Function

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

NY Times Home Work

    The more the world grows, the more companies are going to try to be thrifty with their money. Companies may hire new people to design and develope new signs, logos or slogans for them because their rates are cheaper. While the companies believe they are getting a deal on their new work, they don't realize that the new items may not be better then what they already had. Just because the world around us is changing, doesn't mean everyone has to. Some of the older designs were designed because they worked well, and were easy to read and use. The simplicity of older designs were key, and didn't come off as confusing. When it comes to something like road signs and traffic signals, simplicity wins.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Faces on Animal

Blog Questions/ Answers

Blog Answers:

1. Q: What is your computer experience?
    A: 3 years of high school photoshop classes, 1 year of CAD, and I've worked with photoshop for 4 years

2. Q: What is your experience with Photoshop/ Illustrator, if any?
    A: 4 years of photoshop experience, mainly working on editing pictures of cars.

3. Q: Why did you take this class?
    A: My major is in Computer Graphics, it's a requirement for me to graduate and I enjoy using   photoshop

4. Q: Who is your favorite artist?
    A: n/a

5. Q: Who is your favorite designer?
    A: n/a

6. Q: Tell me something interesting about yourself?
    A: When I was 5, I was diagnosed with a bone disease, which caused me to be partially parralized in my left leg for 2 months.

7. Q: What kind of computer access do you have outside of class?
    A: I have an iMac at home with Photoshop Elements

8. Q: Write a 5 line story.
    A: Growing up I was an only child, who often took many vacations with my parents. At the age of 5, i was diagnosed with a bone disease, which left me immobile for 2 months. Then when I turned 6 years old, I took up motocross racing and raced until I was 16 years old. I broke many bones, and was left with many concussions. When I turned 14 I took an interest in photography and photoshop. When I turned 17 I took an interest in cars, and I have my car photographed for many online car websites/blogs.