Thursday, November 29, 2012

My company

For my company I want to be able have access to home security from a iPad/iPhone or android device. You simply download an app on you phone and link it to the security via serial numbers and Mac addresses. This could be used with previously installed home or business security cameras and door monitors, or new systems installed. Busissness name, SMOI (security managed over Internet)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Famous Logos Written in Comic Sands

In this article a Russian designer reworked famous logos and the new font of comic sands. With his new designs he made the logos seem more playful. I personally can't take some of the logos serious with the new font. They scream kid friendly and cartoon related. The Harley Davidson logo seems like it could be used for a toy line instead of the typical fast macho motorcycles. The Coca-Cola logo seems like it should be placed back in the 50's, with the retro look it has. When it comes to company logos I believe that the companies should stick with the current type font they have because it establishes a look for their brand.